“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. ” 1 John 1:9
Do you want to experience God’s forgiveness?
The best place to start is to assume personal and total responsibility for your sins. Don’t blame others””not your parents, society, or even God, for your problems. Just say “Lord, I’m guilty and I need Your forgiveness.”
This is exactly the formula the Israelites used to seek God’s forgiveness in the story of Nehemiah. They looked back over their actions, owned their sins, and admitted they deserved God’s judgment, not forgiveness.
But when they came to God in humility and confession, He forgave them!
Even though we also deserve God’s judgment, we also can receive His forgiveness. God is both just and merciful, which is why we receive grace and forgiveness, not what we deserve. That’s why John says that if we confess our sins and take responsibility for them, God will forgive us and clean us from our unrighteousness!
Are you ready to take responsibility for your actions, confessing your sins to God and asking for His forgiveness? He has promised to forgive you because forgiveness is the gift He gave us when He hung on the cross!
Numai Lumina Domnului Isus descopera pacatul din viata omului.
Pacatul poate fi constient, inconstient, subconstient. Daca dorim libertatea deplina in Hristos, Dragostea lui Dumnezeu ne descopera pacatul din viata noastra. Dumnezeu stie pacatul nostru…. si El e dornic sa indeparteze acest zid dintre El si noi… dar doreste sa-L dorim si sa-L chemam din toata inima…sa nelasam atinsi de LUMINA, chiar daca doare initial.
Daca ne justificam viata in fata lui si credem ca actiunile noastre sunt legitime in fata Lui, cum credea Saul, … nu vom putea spune ca Pavel “nimic bun nu locuieste in mine”.
Aproprierea progresiva de Dumnezeu ne ajuta sa ne vedem neputinta noastra si in fata lui Isus toate faptele bune ale noastre palesc.
Bunatatea Lui se innoieste zilnic, pocainta trebuie sa aiba acelasi drum, eliberand, vindecand, regenerand…
Domnul Isus sa ne lumineze pe toti!