“This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.” Psalm 118:24
If you’re around negative people very much, you know what a downer they can be. Some people just seem to always see the negative side of things, and refuse to embrace hope or happiness.
But as Christians, we need to get rid of those negative attitudes. That’s exactly what Paul did in his writings. He was even in prison when he wrote several of his letters, but he chose to rejoice in the Lord!Paul would agree that your attitude will determine your outcome.
Every day, we should make a decision to rejoice and thank God, no matter our situation. Christians should be the most insanely joyful people on the earth! We don’t need to struggle all day with fear or worry because we know that Christ has everything in His hands, and He won’t let us go.
Learning to rejoice in the day is a process of training and disciplining ourselves to serve Christ and live in the joy of His love and grace. We may get irritable and stressed at times, but if the determination of our hearts is to rejoice in the Lord, we can find the good in everything””even in the little delays and frustrations of the day that so often upset us.
There is a wonderful little children’s chorus that begins, “This is the day, this is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice, we will rejoice and be glad in it.” That would be a good daily anthem to sing.
Choose to live your life today in the shadow of God’s grace, and rejoice that He has given you another day of life to serve Him.